The Ramp People's guide to the Government's Access to Work scheme

The Ramp People's guide to the Government's Access to Work scheme

If you are disabled and need help or advice to start a new job or keep your current one, then you will be interested to read about the Government’s Access to Work scheme. This scheme can assist you by providing grants and advice to help you to start a new job or keep your current one. Access to work can help you in financial ways by providing you with the funds to purchase specialist equipment such as wheelchair ramps, or cash towards your travel expenses to and from work if you can’t use public transport. In terms of practical help, Access to Work can offer the assistance of interpreters or other support during your interview, job coaching during the course of your job or a mentor to help you to manage the demands of working life. For more information about the Access to Work scheme, have a look at this Information Sheet from the Department of Work and Pensions, or alternatively read more on the Citizen’s Advice Bureau website.