Non-Folding Sabretooth Ramps for Professional Use
As you might have noticed we have introduced a couple of new ranges over the last week on our website.
One of the new ranges we would like to explain a bit closer in this blog, is the new Non-Folding Sabretooth Ramps for Professional Use with capacities available of up to 4,500kg. Available in lengths between 1500mm and 4000mm.
With a profile height of only 60mm those ramps are remarkably strong, yet maintain relatively lightweight in weight and are made out of the best quality aluminium 6005A. With The TUV approval this range is simply remarkable.
That is why this range simply deserve a name and special attention and we call them:

Sabretooth Ramps – Seriously Good Grip
On our business trip to Italy we have learned about this new range and the first thing that came to our mind was that the cut outs in the ramp look like a predator mouth due to its really sharp teeth. So we have called them internally all the time Sabretooth ramps and now we have also designed a logo. The cut outs provide a really good grip, seriously. So they are ideally used for lightweight plant machinery, lawn mowers and heavyweight quad or buggies. Due to the sharp grip we would not recommend the usage of castor wheels or dolly wheels on the ramp. However, we would not recommend to walk on those ramps bare feet. As we had our video shoot last week, we have used that occasion to make a video of the Non-Folding Sabretooth Ramps for Professional Use. Watch out for it, we will publish it in the next weeks on the website. All lengths are available and we have ordered some stock for our warehouse which are due in the next weeks. What do you think of our new logo?