Up & Over Threshold Ramps and Kits
Up & Over Threshold Ramps and Kits allow users to easily overcome thresholds including allowing wheelchair users to easily go up and over UPVC doorways and overcome door thresholds. Our range includes a variety of lengths to allow users to find the ramp which meets their access requirements. Our adjustable threshold ramp with entry plate, RollAble ramp and roll-a-ramp are suitable to be left outside whist our combination channel ramps for manual wheelchairs are lightweight to allow users to utilise these in a number of locations.
Adjustable Threshold Ramp (2ft - 8ft) with Entry Plate Kit
From £540.00 £450.00Over 300 In stock at our warehousePremium Length Fold + Standard Threshold Up & Over Wheelchair Ramps Kit
From £288.00 £240.00Over 100 In stock at our warehouseDual Purpose Folding Telescopic Wheelchair & Bridge Ramps Combi 7ft - 10ft
From £246.00 £205.00Over 100 In stock at our warehouseView Product
Folding Aluminium & Rubber Threshold Drive-In System (2ft - 8ft & 12mm - 100mm)
From £144.00 £120.00Over 300 In stock at our warehouseFolding Aluminium & Rubber Threshold Drive-In System (2ft - 8ft & 1" - 4")
From £159.00 £132.50Over 300 In stock at our warehouseFolding Aluminium & Rubber Threshold Drive-In System (2ft-8ft & 4.5"-7")
From £240.00 £200.00Over 300 In stock at our warehouse